
TypewriterEven though you haven’t heard from me in a while, I’ve been writing, really truly. For the past month, I’ve been focused on short fiction while my novels hibernate. As I result, I’m so excited to announce that, as of today, I’ll be a regular contributor to Short Fiction Break, a blog devoted to short stories. Being a regular means I’ll be posting something at least once a month. I’m excited to join the ranks of the other authors. If you aren’t familiar with that site, head over there right now. New stories pop up almost every day, sometimes twice a day. I love the variety, from children’s stories to serious adult pieces (no erotica or porn), science fiction, fantasy, drama, humor, and more. Some pieces are self-contained, some are ongoing. You can get the latest post delivered to your mail box, or stop by to read your favorite authors.

And don’t let me forget, we have guest authors! I published The Last One Standing back in July, as a guest. So, if you have something you’d like to see posted there, go on over to Short Fiction Break and submit it.

My first story as a regular is The Affair, a slightly tongue in cheek take on jealousy.  An earlier version of the story appeared on this blog as Painting Class, but I think the new version is better. I hope you enjoy it. Leave a comment and let me know what you think.

Committing to submit a short story once a month, feeling confident enough in my work to publish on a fiction site, and — oh yes, I didn’t tell you this part — hiring an editor for my first novel, happened because I’ve grown as a writer over the past many years by writing and having the guts to share my work and get feedback, then rewrite. I hope to continue that growth for many years to come, but it can only happen if you, my readers, tell me what you like and, probably more importantly, what you don’t like.

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