Teen witches

The next chapter of Golden Threads is up! Come to the New Years Eve teen witch party and have a slice of pizza with them by clicking here.

English: New Years Eve at Hallgrímskirkja Reyk...
English: New Years Eve at Hallgrímskirkja Reykjavik (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Why have a support group for teenaged witches in this novel? When they turn sixteen, many of them have no idea how to use their magic. Sure, a lot of them have learned about being witches from their parents, but learning how to use and handle magic takes practice. Lots of it. Plus there’s a lot more to the world of witches than magic. There’s herbs, talking to animals and plants, ceremonies, and all of the politics and history. It’s also true that no parent or teacher knows everything. It’s good to share information with your peers, and learn from others just a little older than yourself.

Plus, let’s face it, adults never let teens in on all of the secrets, especially when there’s danger involved. Who is going to introduce a child who has barely begun driving to the race course? Of course, some parents will, but most will shield and protect, just when their kids most want to know about everything. Parents agree to the

teen witch club, because older, more experienced teens are monitoring the activities, and the meetings are held in one of the parent’s homes. The amount of supervision is minimal, but someone is there, just in case a spell goes awry and, say, takes out the power in the entire city (it’s happened more than once). A quick reaction by one of the more mature and experienced witches can get the power running quickly, stop a New Years Eve hailstorm or a July blizzard before it starts, and in general keep the world safe from the explorations of the newest practitioners of magic.

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